Home NEWS Gansbaai SAPS Intervention with NHW’s

Gansbaai SAPS Intervention with NHW’s


Gansbaai SAPS, Gansbaai Neighbourhood Watch, Law Enforcement and Traffic Department came together on Wednesday 22 September 2021 evening to create awareness and visibility within the community.   

A roadblock was held for random checks and handing out of information pamphlets regarding Gender-Based Violence.   After the roadblock, the group moved to Gansbaai town and carried out their patrol with the assistance of SAPS ‘Blue light’ vehicles to ensure the safety of patrollers and the community.   Gansbaai CPF Chairperson joined the patrol and spoke to Hugh-Daniel Grobler Chairperson of the Gansbaai NHW.   He stated that this intervention is welcomed by their NHW and thanked Gansbaai SAPS and all role-players for their support.  He added: “The Gansbaai community must feel safe in their homes and house break-ins, robberies and other forms of crime must be brought to a minimum.”  The evening was successful with a very positive outcome.

On Friday 01 October 2021 at 18h45 another intervention took place in Blompark.   Gansbaai SAPS, Blompark Neighbourhood Watch, Gansbaai CPF and other role-players participated.   A very successful roadblock was held and Ivan Cornelius Chairperson of Blompark NHW stated that he was pleased to be part of this intervention.  He said: “It is important for the community to know that their NHW cares for the safety of the Blompark community.”  After the roadblock, they did a foot patrol with SAPS and the ‘Blue Light’ vehicles.  Information and awareness pamphlets were also distributed.

As Chairperson of Gansbaai CPF, I am proud of these interventions and encourage our community to assist the NHWs and SAPS.  Be the eyes and ears for them, report suspicious behaviour or incidents so that we all play our part in keeping this community safe.  It is also very important to report break-ins and other crimes.  All crimes must be documented and charges laid for the correct procedures to be carried out.

I thank all our NHWs (of which there are 12) for all your good work by patrolling, monitoring cameras and more.  In addition, a huge thank you to Lt Col Winston Coetzee and his team for their good work – together we all make the difference.

Julia Barlow  Gansbaai CPF Chairperson

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